Tips for Securing Your WiFi Home Security Cameras

WiFi security cameras are the perfect way to add an extra layer of protection to your home security system. As with any wireless technology, there are concerns when it comes to WiFi home security cameras.

If you are using WiFi cameras it is a good idea to make sure they are secure and not vulnerable to hacking.

Tips for Securing Your WiFi Home Security Cameras

As unlikely or remote as the idea of hacked cameras might seem, there is plenty of research that points to how frequently this happens and just how easy it is for someone to breach the security of your WiFi cameras.

When this happens, a camera system meant to provide homeowners with a sense of safety and security can become a true nightmare. Imagine strangers streaming live video feeds from your home. Not only will these hackers know when you’re away from home but they will also know when you are at your most vulnerable.


Are Your WiFi Security Cameras Being Hacked?

There are several ways for hackers to hijack your security cameras. Lack of basic security features; put your cameras at risk, as does simple passwords or leaving your system on the default settings.

Although it is not always simple to detect if your cameras have been hacked, there are some telltale signs to watch for.

Out of Place Noises – For those WiFi cameras with microphones, strange white noise or static is one sign that your camera has been hacked. Another sign is the sound of voices coming from your camera.

Altered Security Settings – Often when a camera has been hacked you may notice that the security settings have been altered from the settings you had them on previously.

LED Light Blinks Randomly – When the LED light is blinking randomly this is an indication that the camera has already been compromised. To check for a system, simply reboot the camera. If it again blinks, it would be a good idea to discontinue use of the camera until you can be sure it has not been compromised.

LED Light On – If you notice that the camera’s indicator light is on in spite of the fact that you have not switched it on, there is a good chance that the camera’s security has been compromised.

Tips for Securing Your WiFi Home Security Cameras

How WiFi Security Cameras Are Hacked

To protect your WiFi security cameras from being hacked it is important to understand exactly how hackers gain access to your security cameras.

Most of the time, when a wifi camera is hacked the camera system was vulnerable due to inadequate password protection. The owners may have kept the default password or used a password that was easy to hack.

Another common weakness that allows for a WiFi security camera to be hacked is the camera’s lack of support for SSL/TLS encryption. If a user doesn’t understand the concept of how the cameras communicate with the router, this can also lead to a compromised system.

There are also methods used by hackers that are not as well known. Hackers can use a technique to deceive users with applications that have HTML and CSS codes to produce a nearly invisible source on the files created. What this does is place an invisible or a difficult to see button that when pressed, allows access to your system.

These are often put in game apps or on websites and placed near an action button that one might normally press, such as the Play button for a game app.

There are methods of securing your WiFi security cameras so that they are protected from hackers. These easy to implement tips can help make sure that your cameras are protected.


Tips to Protect Your WiFi Security Cameras

Make Your Home Wifi Network Secure – The first step to take if you want to protect your wifi cameras from hackers is to ensure that your wifi network is secure. To do this, use a WPA2-AES encryption method and change the password to something that will be far more difficult to break. It is also a good idea to change the password of your router on a regular basis. Other steps you can take to secure your home network are to turn off guest networking and change the default SSID name.

Strong Password for WiFi Security Cameras – Although many people either forget to change the camera password or don’t understand that it can be done, this is an extremely important step that should be taken to protect the integrity of your WiFi home security camera system. When you leave the password as default, it is like opening the door to any hacker that encounters your cameras. A strong password always combines letters, upper and lowercase, as well as numbers and symbols.

No Remote Online Monitoring – Although this is an extremely popular feature with wifi security cameras it also opens up your cameras to being accessed remotely by a hacker. It is best to only turn on this feature when you are ready to view remotely and not leave it on.

Update Wifi Camera Firmware – It is essential that you keep the firmware for your cameras updated. Companies are continually updating their systems to fix bugs that put the cameras at risk and to fix any other problems they might encounter. Updating ensures that your cameras are always at optimal performance.

Purchase High – Quality Cameras – Always purchase your camera from a reputable source that will offer a guarantee and a high level of customer service after your purchase. When you buy WiFi security cameras from a questionable source, there is no way to know for sure if they are built to withstand hackers. Keep in mind that a good deal is no deal at all if it puts your security at risk.

Enhancing a modern security system with WiFi cameras is definitely a step up from old systems but keep in mind that this technology might also put you at risk if you do not ensure that your cameras are secured against hackers. There is nothing worse than discovering that someone has a window into your home through your cameras.


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