Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

This article will guide you through finding and accessing an IP camera with a static IP address.

Static vs. DHCP IP Cameras

Most consumer IP cameras come with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) enabled by default. This means they automatically obtain an IP address from your router when connected to the network.

However, some cameras, particularly from brands like Hikvision and Dahua, come with a static IP address pre-configured. This can cause issues if your router’s IP range differs from the camera’s static IP.

How to Access an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

Finding the Camera’s IP Address

Here are three ways to find your camera’s static IP address:

  • Sticker on the Camera: The IP address might be printed on a sticker on the camera itself.
  • Manufacturer Default IP: Search online for the default IP address used by your specific camera brand.
  • Discovery Tool Software: Many camera manufacturers offer software that helps discover cameras on your network and might even allow changing network settings.

Changing Your Computer’s IP Address

Since the camera has a static IP, you’ll need to temporarily change your computer’s IP address to be within the same network range to access the camera’s web interface. I will show you the steps below how I do it:


1. Go to your network settings.

Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

2. Find “Change adapter options”.

Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

3. Right-click on your network connection and choose “Properties”.

Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

4. Double-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.

Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

5. In the properties window, select “Use the following IP address”.

Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

6. Enter an IP address within the same range as the camera’s IP address (change the last octet). For example, if the camera’s IP is, you could use for your computer.

Finding and Accessing an IP Camera with a Static IP Address

7. Click “OK” on all windows to save the changes.


Accessing the Camera and Changing Settings

  • Open a web browser on your computer.
  • Type the camera’s IP address in the address bar and press Enter.
  • You’ll be prompted to log in to the camera’s web interface. Use the default credentials if you haven’t changed them before (these might be available in the camera’s manual or online).
  • Locate the network settings menu and enable DHCP. This will allow the camera to automatically obtain an IP address from your router in the future.

Remember to Change Your Computer’s IP Back

Once you’ve finished configuring the camera settings, return your computer’s network settings to automatically obtain an IP address. This ensures your computer continues to function properly on your network.

Additional Notes

This is a general guide, and specific steps might vary depending on your camera model and operating system.
If you’re uncomfortable with these steps, consult your camera’s manual or contact the manufacturer for support.
This article focuses on basic access. Advanced camera settings and functionalities might require further exploration of the camera’s web interface.

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